Friday, August 25, 2017

Rocking the Sewing Machine

I think I mentioned in my first post--I am obsessed with anything fabric.  And sewing.  And quilting.  Call me a fabri-holic, but don't even bother to think I want rehab!  <grins>

So, in a notion to work on my obsession, I started filling up my Etsy shop with handmade bibs and burp cloths.  I've been collecting fabric for 13 or so years, and have a collection of all kinds of fabrics, from kid friendly to very much classical.  Now, I don't have babies at home, and haven't for years.  My youngest step child is 13.  But, making these for those who do have babies, or who want to give them as gifts for new moms, this is pleasing.

You can find these and more at my shop,

Do you have a small/home based business??  If so, feel free to share your link here in comments, or on our Sunny Patch Cottage FB page/group!  Us small biz folks have to stick together!